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Electronic assisted paddleless head


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    Electronic assisted paddleless head

    Anyone flies here? I saw it once in the youtube. It is more scale.

    If you're talking about the V-Bar setup by mikado logo, then I think you must be joking.
    The price itself will put people off just by flying it. We're just talking about the price of the system, haven include the V-Bar rotor head....

    L10 V-Bar rotor head

    V-Bar System

    Nevertheless, surely it would be nice to own and fly one.....

    But there are always alternative solutions to this, do a search and I'm pretty sure someone here has already done it before.... Cheaply...
    Losers whine about their best. Winners date the Prom Queen.

    Most people talk a lot, only few are up for the moment.

    Suck Squeeze Bang Blow
    20,000 times a min


      Originally posted by Leo
      Anyone flies here? I saw it once in the youtube. It is more scale.
      Calling Superhornet! Someone is looking for you and your flybarless Huey!


        Ehh.. u also "Swashhead".... right?

        For simple 2 bladed TRex/Raptor, yes it can be easily convert to 2 bladed flybarless. U can reuse back the original rotor head as well.

        Remember that it is recommended to have 2 non heading hold gyro for the cyclics. The purpose of those gyros is to mimic the flybar+weight behavior.



          Hi Superhornet, please provide the link to the youtube video of your Huey flying at Bishan (my company internet blocks youtube access). IMHO, that's the best flying model made from 1:18 scale fuse!


            Ehh... I too do not have the YouTube link... But I believe u can find the URL/Link in this forum.



              Originally posted by Super-Hornet
              Ehh.. u also "Swashhead".... right?

              For simple 2 bladed TRex/Raptor, yes it can be easily convert to 2 bladed flybarless. U can reuse back the original rotor head as well.

              Remember that it is recommended to have 2 non heading hold gyro for the cyclics. The purpose of those gyros is to mimic the flybar+weight behavior.

              Do you feel the different as compared to flybar type in the normal scale flying? Also, do you think those cheap GWS gyro will work? Any reference article from the web? Would like to see you flying next time if possible Thks


                First of all, remember that the V-Stabi by mikado is more like a pro type. What it does is that it also mimic the flybar characteristic as well. They even have extra (but optional) pressure sensor to sense the forward/side motion (depend on where the sensor is pointed to). This sensor help to reduce the behavior of pitching up in flybarless configuration.

                Do you feel the different as compared to flybar type in the normal scale flying? Also, do you think those cheap GWS gyro will work? Any reference article from the web? Would like to see you flying next time if possible Thks
                Flybarless (2 bladed or multibladed) behave differently as compare to normal flybarred design. Flybarless with gyro will make the heli much more stable and predictable to fly...but no matter how, the flight characteristic still slightly different from flybarred heli.

                I once let "koon" to try out my 6 bladed heli (with Counterclockwise rotation)... what he said is that it fly like a real heli.

                Oh. I'm using GWS PG-03 gyro for all my TRexes..except tail (Ehh.. all my TRex are NON flybarred design )

                I believe the Futaba G190 also can. Overseas, some uses telebee gyro. For bigger heli (people who is rich), some uses GY401 also. What u need is a non heading hold gyro will do. If u use GY240/GY401, then u have to turn off the AVCS




                  Since on the topic of flybar less. For two bladed flybarless rotor head, needs extra two gyros to assist the cyclic control. How about three blades and above, do they need the extra gyros?
                  Share the joy of flying . . .


                    The more blades u have, the more stable it goes.

                    2 Bladed without gyro, very difficult to fly. In TRex size or smaller, it is like impossible to fly forward. Hover still ok. In 3 Bladed, u start to able to fly without gyro but heli is slightly unpredictable. Some main hub design will tend to cause heli to pitch up during forward flight or fast forward flight.

                    In multibladed, with gyro will make the heli fly more like normal heli. More stable. In hover, it can be very stable.

                    The more blades u have, the heli tend to feel more sluggish. When in forward motion, if u want want to change direction, it sometime take times to response or u need to bank the stick more than normal. (I guess what "koon" initial surprise feeling when he tried my 6 bladed is because of that)

                    If u ask me, I would prefer minimum of 4. The more the merrier if u are into scale... Oh still prefer with gyro as well.

                    Ever wonder why U.S. Marine/Navy/Army/Air Force starting to replace all their 2 bladed heli to 4 bladed or more? (Huey from 2 bladed to 4, Jet Ranger from 2 to 4, Kiowa was initially a 2 bladed. Now 4. Cobra from 2 to 4)



                      Yishun Funfly Video

                      Hi Swashead and Super Hornet, long time no see.

                      Here are the links to our Yishun funfly...never forget the experience.

                      Yishun Funfly - 19 Oct 06

                      Yishun Funfly - 26 Oct 06

                      HoPe ThIs HelPs

                      Originally posted by Super-Hornet
                      Ehh... I too do not have the YouTube link... But I believe u can find the URL/Link in this forum.

                      Honey Bee CP2 : Sold (Maiden:17 Dec 05)
                      Trex 450XL (CDE) : MM450TH, Quark 33A, GY401, JR RS10DS (Maiden : Align Frame - 1 Jul 06; SuperFrame - 29 Aug 06)

                      Estarter : Align 450s, Align 25A, Electron 6 (Maiden :16 Sep 06)

                      PT-17w : Sold
                      Acme NB 16 : Half 8 Nitro (Maiden :23 Dec 06)

                      Transmtter : JR PCM 9X II, Aggressor SRX
                      Charger : Tahmazo T15
                      Balancer : TP205
                      Battery :Thunder Power, FullRiver, Warbird


                        Very cool video especially the twin rotors. Fly with a scale body
                        Regarding the gyros for "elevator" and roll axis, I can understand when the setup is in pure mech x/y 90 degree arrangment. How about CCPM 120 degree? Do you arrange the 2 gyros in 120 degree or how?
                        If GWS gyro is ~$80, so is about $80 per paddle elimination.
                        Now a bit regretted to sell away my 4strokes heli. Should have kept it and spend $160 for the flybarless new fun.


                          For mCCPM and eCCPM 90, it is very easy to use gyro. (For eCCPM 90, u can just use 2 sets of V-Tail Mixer).

                          For eCCPM 120 or 140, u definitely need an eCCPM mixer onboard. Due to the way the eCCPM's cyclic and collective move, u cannot just use V-Tail mixer or direct connect to gyro.

                          BTW, GWS PG-03 can get online from China website and it cost SGD6x.xx only. Too bad Rotor hobby INSIST Do not want to bring in any more PG-03...claiming that no one want PG-03 anymore because ppl go for GY240/GY401.



                            Originally posted by w_kby
                            Hi Swashead and Super Hornet, long time no see.

                            Here are the links to our Yishun funfly...never forget the experience.

                            Yishun Funfly - 19 Oct 06

                            Yishun Funfly - 26 Oct 06

                            HoPe ThIs HelPs
                            Hi w_kby, where have you been? Thought you have given up the hobby. Anyway, good to hear from you again.


                              Hi Swashhead

                              Have to stop hobby as I had some eye problem lately. Still missing the fun ....

                              Once a DH member, always a DH member

                              Originally posted by Swashhead
                              Hi w_kby, where have you been? Thought you have given up the hobby. Anyway, good to hear from you again.
                              Honey Bee CP2 : Sold (Maiden:17 Dec 05)
                              Trex 450XL (CDE) : MM450TH, Quark 33A, GY401, JR RS10DS (Maiden : Align Frame - 1 Jul 06; SuperFrame - 29 Aug 06)

                              Estarter : Align 450s, Align 25A, Electron 6 (Maiden :16 Sep 06)

                              PT-17w : Sold
                              Acme NB 16 : Half 8 Nitro (Maiden :23 Dec 06)

                              Transmtter : JR PCM 9X II, Aggressor SRX
                              Charger : Tahmazo T15
                              Balancer : TP205
                              Battery :Thunder Power, FullRiver, Warbird

