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tail wag gone on hornet


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    tail wag gone on hornet

    I have been pestered for quite some time by tail wag ..did all the right things ...smooth tail shaft movement , high speed servos ect ect ect,

    I even went so far as making my own crank arm out of Ball bearings . ( works great!!) but i still was only able to get the gain up to about 25% on the gy240.

    As some ppl know I had a bad crash as the axi motor gliched with the P10 that I have and the tail could not hold the tail on start up and nose down into the road it went.......and then the taxi came and drove over the heli to really finsh it off but luckly he only hit the blades. all electronics saved!!

    My tail servo did go however, I replace it with a cheap chinese made one from the local hobby store here the sg 50 servo from jet hobbies. drilled an extra hole to get the servo arm length to about 6mm from the hub of the servo.
    Mounted it up.

    to my utter suprise the tail wag was gone... so I bumped up the gain ...first to 50% ..still no wag ..... 75% ....still no wag in hover by slight wag in backward motion...I am overly impressed!!!! I an now using about 60% on the gy240. I am a happy camper now

    BTW the servo specs are
    .10 sec 60 degrees and .7 kg/cm
    and of course 5g

    any way swap to a slightly slower servo it may help ...or not worked for me.

    cheers doug

    Hey Doug... Think u never read some of the post that we post. We found out that tail servo speed is important in order to prevent/reduce wagging. Some of us found out that the SG-50 from Jet Hobby is rated as 0.1s/60Degree on 4.8V but it feels like it is faster than that. That is why we suspect it is overclock/overvoltage internally and therefore it get damage quite easily.

    Bottom line is that get a fast response servo for tail. So far SG-50 is the fastest most of us can affort to buy and it is small.



      A word of caution... These are not digitals DOug, I almost killed my servos at 75%

      Anyway, kudos to ya.... and SH I still think the speed is not the most important factor... but the resolution... a lot of people are getting good results on both the HS-50 and the 3108s... the 3108s are the best at the moment.... but remember the servos that were released as Hornet 2 electronics are from Blue Bird!!!!!

