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RPM only 1700+ at full throttle


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    RPM only 1700+ at full throttle


    I replaced my Quark22A to CC35A esc. At full throttle (full stick up) can not get > 1700+ rmp on my trex. Before replaced esc, I can get >1700 rpm on quark 22A. But I smell burnt on it so that I replaced it to CC35A.

    I use: 3S1P Evo 20C 1800 Lipo, 9C Tx, CC35A esc,11T pinion, 315 wooden blade and 450th brushless motor.

    For ESC:
    Cutoff voltage : 10.2 V
    Current Limiting: disabled
    Brake type: brake disbled.
    Throttle type: Fixed throttle.
    Electronic timing advance: Standard advance timing.
    Cutoff type: Soft cutoff
    Soft start: Soft start

    Tx :
    normal: 0, 35, 50, 75,100 throttle curve. Hovering at 3/4stick
    30, 35, 50, 75, 100. pitch curve.
    idle 1: 100,100,75,100,100. throttle curve
    0, 35, 50, 75, 100. pitch curve.

    I do not know where I have st wrongly. Please advice. Thx

    when you smelled your burnt quark22, possible this could have effected the motor. I had some problems with the 450Th going bad on me... is this the motor you are using?


      I think better to set your cutoff voltage to 9V for 3cells.
      I set mine to 8.8V.


        Different ESC will have different value of End point (upper and lower) for the throttle.

        For your case (less than 1700RPM), try tune/tweak/adjust your throttle channel End point.

        For Castle Creations with 450TH with new firmware... be aware that if u use slow start up (Default is medium), your motor tend to get warm up till it actually cook the motor till u have burning smell.

        EDIT: For Castle Creations PHX series. When throttle is at max your PHX's LED will go light up. If your throttle stick and throttle curve is at max but still no LED light up, then that mean your ESC is not running at full power. U have to adjust your throttle end point.



          I am sure it's not the ESC. Trex could spin up to 3000RPM. It must be your setup......Burning smell from Quark22A? Did the QUARK actually brunt? Any brunt marks?


          Lets' moveon.......


            Second SH's suspicions... could be the throttle range setting.

            Originally posted by Super-Hornet
            Different ESC will have different value of End point (upper and lower) for the throttle.

            For your case (less than 1700RPM), try tune/tweak/adjust your throttle channel End point.

            For Castle Creations with 450TH with new firmware... be aware that if u use slow start up (Default is medium), your motor tend to get warm up till it actually cook the motor till u have burning smell.

            EDIT: For Castle Creations PHX series. When throttle is at max your PHX's LED will go light up. If your throttle stick and throttle curve is at max but still no LED light up, then that mean your ESC is not running at full power. U have to adjust your throttle end point.



              I didn't see the burnt mark on Quark 22A. How to check the motor whether it is partially bad?

              For the heli setup:

              Ptich : +10 full stick, 0 mid stick, -10 low stick.

              I try the check everything again.
              Thank all.


                Thanks all,

                My heli can run 2300+ rpm on +10 degree( full throttle) using pro blade 325.

                1.Preciousely, the firmware on cc35A was 1.52 Beta version. And need to trim down from middle position on throttle side to able the ESC to initialised. Maybe this cause the throttle power to set below 100% on full throotle.

                2. Resolved. Reloaded in firmware 1.14 on ESC and the trottle trim set at middle position. Esc initialised ok.



                  Hi Than

                  No... U do not adjust the subtrim. U adjust the End Point of the throttle channel instead.

                  Firmware 1.52beta works pretty well. Better than 1.14...except u do not use slowest start up for 450TH motor.

                  EDIT: It will work by adjusting Subtrim... but that is not the solution for the problem. Furthermore, if u adjust subtrim... u got no more room/space for further adjustment when your heli alignment is out.



                    Hi Super-Hornet,

                    MY throttle End-point are down stick is 100, full stick is 100.
                    For down stick, can be >100 to adjust.
                    Please advice.


                      100-100 is the default. If u try different PHXs firmware version, u will notice that each different version of firmware will need different End Point. Some maybe like 120 and 83 or 121 and 121.

                      Explain detail coming soon.



                        If i adjust both end-point, will it affect my throttle curve ?
                        So you mean, plug in the battery. If it is not initialised, adjust the down stick end point value until it is initialised. right?



                          It's kinda hard to explain what we mean by calibrating endpoints of radio to that of the esc. erm, put it in simplest terms, you have to adjust your lower endpoint so that the motor will not start when your throttle stick is lowest but should not take too much movement to activate the motor. the top endpoint adjustment means to match the throttle endpoint so that when your stick is full up, the esc happens to be at maximum throttle also. this will give you the best resolution and highest efficiency in terms of throttle operation. However, do take note that brushless motors are not to be spun at high rpm without load, this will cause damage to esc and motor, therefore it is better if you can get some help in this area.

                          You're welcomed to join us at Bishan FunFly on Sunday mornings!


                            U can try this:
                            1 - Take off blades and set everything to default. That is End Point 100-100. Throttle 0.
                            2 - Power up heli
                            3 - If PHX do not get initialize, go step #7
                            4 - If PHX do get initialize, then slowly decrease the low end point till motor start spinning. Then increase again till it is stop and increase a few steps further.
                            5 - Power off and On again to see whether PHX get initialise or not. If yes, then your lower end point is done.
                            6 - Go step #8
                            7 - Slowly increase the lower end poin till it is initialise. increase a few more step further. Go step #5
                            8 - U can try this... by removing motor connection to PHX. Make sure u remove at lease TWO wires.
                            9 - Move throttle stick to the max with throttle curve at 100.
                            10 - If LED is ON (no blinking), then go step #12
                            11 - If LED do not light up, then go step #15
                            12 - Adjust the upper end power by lowering it. Lower till the LED start to blink or off. Then up again till it is constantly ON.
                            13 - Try lower throttle stick or throttle curve and up again to make sure u got 100% = LED ON.
                            14 - When u got that, your upper END point is done. Go to End
                            15 - Slowly up the upper end point till LED is constantly ON. Go to step #13
                            16 - END


                              Thank SH.

