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R50V2 - Blade spin while idling


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    R50V2 - Blade spin while idling

    Hi to all the rappy gurus out there.

    Still very new to my 2nd hand rappy and this hobby. (only manage to hold a 1 foot hover. Anything higher my legs and hands start shaking)

    After I start the engine, the rotor blades wants to turn at engine idle. Need to hold tight the tail boom and the main rotor to place at take-off area. Then must quickly run away.

    May I know what is the cause of this problem and how do I rectify it.



    Did you check on the throttle trim? If it is too high better bring it down abit. The next thing is to check your transmitter is the throttle curve in 0% or abit more then that?



      My friend tune the engine and found to be good.

      I am using JR3810 tx. Throttle curve is set at 5 on L. Tried to set at 0. Also face same problem.

      Told that it is because the clutch is too tight and need to be replaced. Just want a 2nd opinion before I buy.

      Thanks JW


        it is probably because of clutch dragging if the throttle trim and lowest point setting cannot help. Nothing to worry about as long as you keep the throttle low and keep a grip on the rotor head. If you change your clutch, do change the liner as well, coz with a new clutch and old liner, the gap will be very big, so on the first flight, your clutch will be very free, so free and smooth that you will be even when you let go it will not spin. But after a few flights, the clutch will be be "sprung" again and it will not return as it has been "over opened" in flights.




          Is this a new bird? If yes this is norm. As time passes and the lining wears then problem will ease. Same idea as a car clutch, new car step a bit, zoom it goes... Old car step all the way engine like want to die like that... Cheers...


            If you are that certain that your idling speed is correct,
            then just bent your clutch back with a pliers.... (but at the risk of breaking it).

            Yes.. it can be done.
            Art did it for me once, and it works.


              huh?!I Did?!

              Well...think nic has said what I wanna....just hold the clutch...and bend the shoes back a little...not with a plier but with your hand....just dun bend too much....
              TREX 500 ESP
              Futaba T12FGH


                Yup.. you did use a pliers on mine.. think maybe because it was a high-density one... so, it couldn't be bent by hand....


                  How to replace the clutch and clutch lining

                  Bought the clutch and clutch lining.

                  Need advice from all the gurus how to go about replacing the clutch and clutch lining.

                  Understand from my flying kakis that the clutch lining is a headache to replace. One needs to dis-assemble the body and remove the clutch bell.

                  Since my bird is 2nd hand, no knowledge in removing and building.

                  Finally overcame the stage of trembling while hovering. It's a great feeling. Thanks for you guys contribution to this hobby.


                    Great site

                    Go to and u will know more about your heli...
                    if u still have any problem u can pm now... i used to own a raptor too...Cheers...No easy job removing....


                      I think most here will advice you to forget about replacing the lining and just replace the bell as a whole.

                      Briefly (for V2)
                      1) Remove the Engine.
                      2) Remove the clip inside (under) the bell.
                      3) Let the bell drop off the shaft.


                        right on nic....but I think it's better getting the bell straight was a PITA to remove the liner...and the bearings may not be good still....
                        TREX 500 ESP
                        Futaba T12FGH

