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How to custom made prop??


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    How to custom made prop??

    hi, all gurus there! can yours teach me how to custom made a prop
    using alum or brass?? soldering?? how to measure the pitch and dia?? as i cant find small prop in LHS. prefer with drawing or pics
    Flying RC is like dating a girl...;)

    U sure you want to build your own prop?

    I assume it's for a serious hobby application.

    I suggest you try Octura for a selection of ready-made props.

    Even then, there are hundreds of different props that caters to different boat weight, motor power and type of drive system.

    Get a prop too small and you get way too much cavitation and may cause overreving of the motor. Get a prop too big and your boat may not get on step.

    Unless you're running a typical set-up, say for a .21 outboard tunnel hull, in which case an Octura X440 would be the typical prop to run, you'd still have to make sure that the prop is balanced.

    Octura props don't come readily balanced.

    And prop balancing is something that requires a lot of experience.

