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Engine with a little Kick? Quickdraw or Zenoah mod kit


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    Engine with a little Kick? Quickdraw or Zenoah mod kit

    Hi Ezzy and all,

    Need some advice on mod engine, are BH Hanson Super 25 Quickdraw Engine Kit 6.5 Hp mod engine any good? I am also looking at their Super 25 Engine Kit by Hanson - 4 bearing engine kit to convert the Zenoah PUM series engine to a 7.5 HP for a good running speed at PP!! Is it difficult to mod Zenoah Engine using the Kit. I plan to plug it into the lastest H&M Gas super projectile - The X-ray as the manuafacturer has recommended. She will be a little devil to run.

    Where can the Tuned gas pipe go? The Hull doesn't seem to make any provision for an exit hole. Have a look at the x-ray pictures.


    Hi all, to your first question James, yep you can hop up the 260 with a either Quickdraw or a J&G top end kits. If you have all the right tools, all the right spares parts plus lots of reading on this issue than and only than I would say it wont be to difficult to do it. To save the hassel get one which you like, have them (merchant) know about the DB limits here at our club (76-89db).They will get a suitable pipe for your engine.
    The X-Ray, is a great looking hull I must say,have you decided on the running hardware yet? The pipe could be set in two way, first to exit the cowl and second to set completely hide in the hull now both ways still required you to have a pipe mount.

    Chat later..

    Play By the Rule, Be a Member


      James, do check with Andrew ( Fasteletric ) about the X ray, whether there is engine rail ( 5''track) already install in the hull.


        [QUOTE=ez zai]Hi all, to your first question James, yep you can hop up the 260 with a either Quickdraw or a J&G top end kits. If you have all the right tools, all the right spares parts plus lots of reading on this issue than and only than I would say it wont be to difficult to do it. To save the hassel get one which you like, have them (merchant) know about the DB limits here at our club (76-89db).They will get a suitable pipe for your engine.
        The X-Ray, is a great looking hull I must say,have you decided on the running hardware yet? The pipe could be set in two way, first to exit the cowl and second to set completely hide in the hull now both ways still required you to have a pipe mount.

        Hi Ezzy and all,

        Many thanks for taking the time to answer my questions. As far as I know, quiet pipe cost 2-3 times more than their standard performance pipe, I wonder if I can put in a muffler of some sort or a silencer to keep the noise down.

        The hull is a beauty, its ergonomic curves and aerodynamic streamline to cuts thru the water like a hot knife on butter, can't beat German engineering , I am already in love with it. I think I prefer to keep the tuned pipe in the hull as not to disrupt the streamline flow of the hull shape. I have to find a way to mount it as the exit is almost bordering the water line.

        As for the running hardware, chances that I will go with TOPSECRET's line of hardware ( Rudder and struts) for Mono as suggested by Mike as the orginal manuafacturer do not have standard hardware for Gas version. If you or anyone have any other suggestions, I am all open. I am still not to sure how shall the rudder be mounted and the type of struts appropriate for this hull. I guess I have to do more homework.

        I will be ordering the hull direct from H&M HQ in Germany, still trying to sort out the freight issues with them. I will be compiling a list of suitable running hardware and parts, hope to get some feed back. Will post it once I am done . Will sure need a lot of help and advice from all of you, am keeping my finger crossed.

        Cheers James aka Wally


          How much does it cost to get a nitro boat? As cheap as possible. Or electric cheaper?


            Hi, James you could get the X-Ray from Oz, why Germany? I think Oz is a whole lot cheaper to ship to you. Yes, a muffler will do ( some have proven but easly pop off while you run your boat), but not all of them work best to bring down the DB level, they hurt your engine performance more than do anything for sound, Quiet Pipes is the way to go you'll be able to use it in all your gas boat that is if you intend to more that one boats. Chat later...


              Originally posted by Wally
              Hi Ezzy and all,

              Need some advice on mod engine, are BH Hanson Super 25 Quickdraw Engine Kit 6.5 Hp mod engine any good? I am also looking at their Super 25 Engine Kit by Hanson - 4 bearing engine kit to convert the Zenoah PUM series engine to a 7.5 HP for a good running speed at PP!! Is it difficult to mod Zenoah Engine using the Kit. I plan to plug it into the lastest H&M Gas super projectile - The X-ray as the manuafacturer has recommended. She will be a little devil to run.

              Where can the Tuned gas pipe go? The Hull doesn't seem to make any provision for an exit hole. Have a look at the x-ray pictures.

              hi james so did yr x-ray arrived yet?how does the postage cost?


                yes please share........................


                  Originally posted by ez zai
                  Hi, James you could get the X-Ray from Oz, why Germany? I think Oz is a whole lot cheaper to ship to you. Yes, a muffler will do ( some have proven but easly pop off while you run your boat), but not all of them work best to bring down the DB level, they hurt your engine performance more than do anything for sound, Quiet Pipes is the way to go you'll be able to use it in all your gas boat that is if you intend to more that one boats. Chat later...
                  I have a feeling I have been had with the Quite pipes explaination


                    Hi guys, Zanter & Faz... Wally had a change of heart with the X-Ray, I hope he will chime in here soon and share with you guys what he have decided to get. Wally and Michael are also working on thier electric boats at the moment. Later....

                    Play by the rules, be a member!
                    If you cheat to win, you lose anyway!


                      I will be ordering the hull direct from H&M HQ in Germany, still trying to sort out the freight issues with them. I will be compiling a list of suitable running hardware and parts, hope to get some feed back. Will post it once I am done . Will sure need a lot of help and advice from all of you, am keeping my finger crossed.

                      May I ask what is that H&M web address.

                      Thanks in adv,




                          Hi Guys, yes, the X-Ray will have to put on hold till I get my electric boats going. In the mean time, I have been busy toying around with Mods on some RTRs. Cheers Wally

                          [QUOTE=ez zai]Hi guys, Zanter & Faz... Wally had a change of heart with the X-Ray, I hope he will chime in here soon and share with you guys what he have decided to get. Wally and Michael are also working on thier electric boats at the moment. Later....


                            X-Ray Parts

                            Hi Fuhan, you might want to check out the hardware on this X-ray.
                            Have H&M came back with the freight cost yet? You might want to try
                            and get it in from Australia from Fast Electric, it may be a better deal for you
                            when you consider reduced freighting cost.


                            Originally posted by fuhan2000
                            May I ask what is that H&M web address.

                            Thanks in adv,

