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F15 profile


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    F15 profile

    always wanted a fighter.

    Its a Great day, lets fly, crawl, and fight.

    XRB SR Lama
    Robotis Bioloid
    Robot Bear

    <a href=""></a>

    power source

    the heart and soul for this plane.

    Its a Great day, lets fly, crawl, and fight.

    XRB SR Lama
    Robotis Bioloid
    Robot Bear

    <a href=""></a>


      plans ! Sharing is caring let me know how it flies then I'll build it.. Anyway.. it looks great! cant wait to see the colours on it

      Which character are you test by


        will update

        Hi alamin2,

        i will test fly it then do up a proper plan.
        currently is only try and error testing.
        if cannot fly then no point with the plan liao.
        will update, see if i can fix it up by this week,
        bz this few days.

        Its a Great day, lets fly, crawl, and fight.

        XRB SR Lama
        Robotis Bioloid
        Robot Bear

        <a href=""></a>


          any updates yet ?

          Which character are you test by


            heya guys . I decided to pursue doing my own f-15 profile plane. Pics will be uploaded. I will be trying to use an IPS Geared A OR IPS Directdrive. worst comes to worst, a brushless will be used.

            Which character are you test by


              first pic is the top view of how it looks like. it's a small plane. so im wondering if it'll fly

              2nd pic is side view of it.

              3rd pic is the front view. notice the hollow space ? im mounting my servos there

              Which character are you test by


                Originally posted by alamin2
                first pic is the top view of how it looks like. it's a small plane. so im wondering if it'll fly

                2nd pic is side view of it.

                3rd pic is the front view. notice the hollow space ? im mounting my servos there
                Great Work Alamin. It look like almost same as Pilot_Bear Plan. Why dun you at a Duct fan in the Hollow area? Think that will be nicer.


                  Originally posted by nicholas88
                  Great Work Alamin. It look like almost same as Pilot_Bear Plan. Why dun you at a Duct fan in the Hollow area? Think that will be nicer.
                  was thinking of a duct fan.. Will try out the plane tomorrow and see what best suits it. the wing span is super short... i'd say about 18 inch. i'll be using V-tail mixing .. fly like an IFO :P

                  will do a second one for more experimenting soon .. this time with rudder and ailerons

                  actually having some doubts wheter the plane will fly with IPS :X

                  Which character are you test by


                    Originally posted by alamin2
                    was thinking of a duct fan.. Will try out the plane tomorrow and see what best suits it. the wing span is super short... i'd say about 18 inch. i'll be using V-tail mixing .. fly like an IFO :P

                    will do a second one for more experimenting soon .. this time with rudder and ailerons

                    actually having some doubts wheter the plane will fly with IPS :X
                    If you afraid of then I would think you better enlarge your Wing span.


                      I would suggest you add more power; maybe a 300 geared. These planes without an airfoil rely on brute power !


                        Sorry Alamin2

                        hi Alamin2,

                        sorry, wasn't rc'ing for a very long time, plane at my new house, me staying at my parent place. sorry.

                        very nice profile.

                        your plane sure will fly, just get the CG correct.

                        my wing is about 60 cm = 24 inch (if i remember correctly)
                        i had not fly mine yet, but i did throw it many time and it glide well.
                        how much does it weight ?
                        my is about 100-120g AUW.
                        my setup giving my only about 90-100g of thurst.


                        Its a Great day, lets fly, crawl, and fight.

                        XRB SR Lama
                        Robotis Bioloid
                        Robot Bear

                        <a href=""></a>


                          oh one thing i forget,
                          i did a 10 degree (downward) fixed flap on the wing using tape, for creating lift.
                          so my control is also a "v-tail" method, 2 servo controlling the horiziotal stab

                          waiting for good fly report


                          Its a Great day, lets fly, crawl, and fight.

                          XRB SR Lama
                          Robotis Bioloid
                          Robot Bear

                          <a href=""></a>


                            Originally posted by pilot_bear
                            oh one thing i forget,
                            i did a 10 degree (downward) fixed flap on the wing using tape, for creating lift.
                            so my control is also a "v-tail" method, 2 servo controlling the horiziotal stab

                            waiting for good fly report

                            yeah i did v-tail mixing too! but sadly .. i think the CG was off when it took off. after 3 storeys of take off , it nose dived and couldnt pull up elevator due to small elevator.

                            Oh well! Back to the drawing board

                            I'll be building a larger plane this time .. and on a brushless setup. The IPS wasn't strong enough to create the lift . Total weight was 150g with battery . 70g ++ for the battery

                            Which character are you test by


                              Alamin! make me one too!!!

                              SLOPE SOARING NOT A CRIME

                              The irresistible desire, for the irresistibly desired

                              Multiplex Royal Evo 12 user, and Proud of it.

