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Recovered Crashed Pylon Racer


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    I always believe that if someone responsible can make better use of the parts. They can have it for free. Just let me have a go at the new plane when it's best put to good use. So far owner has not make any claims. I just want the real owner to send me a PM stating the details of the component specs to verify he is the owner. He can than have the parts back. For free of course.
    Do you feel the RUSH....!!!!


      Originally posted by Lowpass View Post
      Oh when I get the chance to drop by OHR, u bet I will throw a 50 buck note in your face! I just havent have time to fly recently. See ya
      It's not about the money here. Not everyone can take insults like this and still be graceful like hawkeye. At least not me. Don't think there are no gangsters who won't hesitate to land u in hospital.

      This community is not big here so watch your words.


        hawkeye just ignore the kid. he just don't get the point. thinking to throw $50 buck on someone face.. is just not right, give it a try and he might be surprise.
        from here will know that it is pointless to even trying to explain anything further.


          Yes definitely on the ignore lists. He should change name form "low pass" to "low class"
          Do you feel the RUSH....!!!!


            Originally posted by Hawkeye View Post
            Oh let's ignore the little boy who' upbringing is suspect. And I dare you to stand in front of me and litter the field with your $50. You are too dump to understand what folks are trying to say. It's not about money, it's about your attitude to keep the field clean. It's a public place and your lack of social graces is disappointing. Go hide in a hole and don't show your face. You give the hobby and other responsible fliers a bad name.

            So have the guts to openly condone littering in the field in this forum. Don't hide behind the $50 issue.

            And you know where to find me to throw that 50 bucks in my face. It will go to the hardworking grass cutters that risk having their equipment damaged by your trash.
            I accept your DARE!
            Moderator had suspend/or filter my posting.
            Lucky you


              This community is for us to have fun and enjoy our hobbies with peace. Hope we can drop this topic and move on...

              ANYWAY KUDOS TO HAWKEYE +10 in my books
              sigpicWhy give yourself boundaries when the world has none...


                Feel free to drop by the field anytime. I'm sure the grass cutters will appreciate your generosity.

                Btw, by the way, forumers come here to learn and contribute and share. Since you are neither learning or sharing or contributing except to incite trouble, I'd request the moderators to ban you from DH until you can contribute as a socially responsible adult.

                Can the moderators close this thread. Thank you. Enough has been said. Low pass is just behaving like any other bully.
                Do you feel the RUSH....!!!!


                  Hi gentleman, I lost the plane and when it crashed. I could not recover it because I was looking at he wrong place. I would like to have it back. Fee is not an issue.

                  I am sorry, I don't mean to litter the place... My thousand apologies...

                  Hawkeye I ave send you a private message. Kindly reply with a message is also find for pick up.

                  Sorry again gentlemen.


                    Low pass, you are for sure a person without integrity in life. Even t is not your stuff you want to claim it. you said this are cheap stuff and why are u pretending to be the owner?
                    Whether cheap stuff or not it is none of your business. Lucky u, u must be born with a silver spoon. Just pray that u better don't get into trouble with such kind of attitude.
                    Please use your head think not the other end.....


                      LSiow. Thank you for responding. You the man! Thanks for responding.
                      Do you feel the RUSH....!!!!


                        Owner is reunited with the components.
                        Do you feel the RUSH....!!!!


                          good to hear the owner voice up sincerely and with an apology in having his lost plane back.

                          the kid as usual just ignore.

                          take it as the thread is close and let move on.

