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X-Flying Club


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    X-Flying Club

    Hey guys,

    Saw this baby on Kids Central, I was intruged, so bought one. Here's a linky,

    My first plane, tho it's considered as non serious, it was fun, really small, I called it the mini-z of planes. It's virtually indestructable! crashed so many times but it still flew great, had a nice breeze at the carpark of my place and for a noob like me, I'd say I handled it well, try the height test, I believe it can go up to 8th storey high. A friend who never flew before was at ease with this bugger. I can go on forever.. hehehhee

    Anyways, just want to let the world know that this is my first RC plane and I had great fun with it, considering Metro and other superstores sells it at $39.90, (paragon metro's having 20% disc ), Great value for your money I can say.


    Highly recomended , it is really easy to fly. I have had more than 20 flights to date.
    Too many models , so little time


      Originally posted by bluemoscow
      Highly recomended , it is really easy to fly. I have had more than 20 flights to date.
      yeah i have it.. its small and light...

      23cm by 23cm..

      lived up to its name . but its very unstable with strong winds.

      the batt runs for about 10mins of flight time with each charge( if you know how to cut throttle) but the range is 50m

      nice plane. its a toy and parts are irreplaceable. Im waiting for mine to get spoilt and check the battery.. they supposedly say its Lithium batts...

      Which character are you test by


        Waahh... got buddy buddy who play this plane. Nice to know. 2 friends bought the plane, but the single winged ones, those are highly manouverable, climb rate very fast, I got the bi-plane ones and I can say it can hold itself in the wind. The batts Li-po ain't it? that's what the box claim.

        The batts seems to last forever, with 6 double A batts. Run time like you guys mentioned, is good indeed. You guys got which plane? I find the single winged ones easy to stall if throttled to quickly.


          can be bought at all metros and where else? paragon de discount until when? i also wan buy 1!!! :p


            Short Range

            Bought one, but range is very short, when it gets to 10 or 15 meters, the thing goes by itself, it will keep flying and you have to pray that it will not go to alien space where you cannot retrive.
            Anyone mod idea on reception etc.


              Originally posted by Vifo
              Bought one, but range is very short, when it gets to 10 or 15 meters, the thing goes by itself, it will keep flying and you have to pray that it will not go to alien space where you cannot retrive.
              Anyone mod idea on reception etc.
              I beg to defer, the range is quite acceptable, it got up so high like 8th to 9th floor, estimation? more than 15meters? In an open space tho, then again, u can't see it if it's more than 10 storey high.

              I'm a noob at flying, like I said earlier, this is my first plane, tho it's considered as a 'toy' by some, but it flew reasonably well. get the bi-plane if you want stability, single winged if you want to get high, literally.

              not sure when the sale will end. :p


                the tx is how many ch de? can only control the plane to do stunts? hee hee... or its juz a simple plane? i am also tempted to buy the glider... but is out of stock liao...


                  Fat Boy Thin, upgrade to a bigger plane once you get the hang of it man.


                    Originally posted by $h@d0w
                    Fat Boy Thin, upgrade to a bigger plane once you get the hang of it man.

                    Alamak Mr Marky Mark, this one just for fun lah... it's fun enuff. See how lah.. prolly somewhere next year or so, if sufficient fun. then again......

                    27mhz only... I think.. but see the small sticker next to controller/plane, there's 3 channels available and they go by A, B and C.


                      Planes dun need to hop up lah. No TRF dampers, no alu motor, no toe-in, etc etc. Get the basic equipment you can fly man.


                        they only got rudder and elevator ... but easy to fly. i was playing it and it flew too high and was too windy and crashed into someone's house...
                        thank god no one scolded... instead the mother asked how much i buy and where


                        its easy to fly it... even a 5 year old flew it.. haha

                        i have the bi-plane.. i didnt buy it actually.. my ex gf bought for me since my planes in the hanger grounded due to battery malfunctions..servo malfunctions... burnt esc... exploding lipos....

                        yeah those kinda things so she bought for me one to fly around while i save my money

                        My luck must be bad... 2 lipos dead... 3 servos KIA... (resulted in my corsair crashing from 15 storeys high) and broken super cub TT wing... omfg.... haiz..

                        anyway look at the bright side.. still got this small mini plane to fly

                        Which character are you test by


                          Originally posted by $h@d0w
                          Planes dun need to hop up lah. No TRF dampers, no alu motor, no toe-in, etc etc. Get the basic equipment you can fly man.

                          Yarlor.. no need hop up one... but crash hor.. heart pain.. sigh. at least hor, unlike cars, crash, part broken, just change, if plane broken, get new plane.. hahahahahahaa... atlease broken get new plane, if lost in the wind? how? HAHahhaaa!

                          no worries lah mark, I enjoy this bugger very very much, gonna get 2 more next month, some more I cover for you in the finals.. need to save abit. hahahahahaha!


                            Good luck man. You gonna need more $$$ for the buggy. :na


                              Originally posted by $h@d0w
                              Good luck man. You gonna need more $$$ for the buggy. :na

                              Well thank you for reminding me...

