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Mass order?


Zenm Tech Pte Ltd


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    Mass order?

    Slope season is on it's way, seems like a perfect time to pick and build a plane for the winds.
    Is there anybody interested in ordering from ?
    Hopefully we can get a number of orders and request for a slight discount, or just splitting the shipping will be cost efficient.

    Please look thru and post ur choice if interested. I have not decided on a dateline for closing orders but will do that soon.

    My suggestion is that don't jump to it. Most of their EPP sailplanes are manufactured by Canterbury Sailplanes from New Zealand. I was even told that they got thier raw EPP foam from Singapore. You will probably get a better deal here at SHS. Other than the few models which are not available here, I don't think it's worth ordering from them.


      slope season so soon?? monsoon ah? . just wen im hav fun wid ep planes. woodlands area very windy durin monsoon. cant fly properly.


        Not so soon, but about time to atart preparing.

        Order + delivery ------- 2 weeks
        Deciding electronics --- 2 weeks
        Building and getting it ready? 2 months!!!

        Just nice for november~~~


          Ammo is right! Preparation takes up most of the time.
          I have seen them all.

          A mediocre r/c pilot who thinks that he is one top gun.

          A nerd looking and sick flyer who thinks that he is a great modeller.

          Greed that made a friend became a competitor.


            Hmmmmmmmmmm Ur making me get another EPP!!!!! ahhhhhhhhhhhh hmm will consider carefullllyyy
            TX:2 Sanwa Quasars , Futaba 9C super (heli)
            Gliders :JW 54 , Sprinter , Flip400 (unbuilt)
            Planes: Jumping Jack,,Zoom 4D,IFO, magic 3d,
            Helis:Feda,Zap 400


              Get a DLG !!!

              Having loads of fun with it. Ever tried sloping a plane off a hdb flat ? Or chasing birds with your high speed lauches ??

              I could launch at ground level and get above a multistorey carpark to thermal there.


                no discus lauch gliders there
                TX:2 Sanwa Quasars , Futaba 9C super (heli)
                Gliders :JW 54 , Sprinter , Flip400 (unbuilt)
                Planes: Jumping Jack,,Zoom 4D,IFO, magic 3d,
                Helis:Feda,Zap 400


                  u guys seen the allegro? the e-lite allegro seen good to me. do they kit these stuff.? i gt no tym to build from plans la. any expirience on the allegro?


                    OH MY GOD!! jus found out that allegro kit cost USD225 plus shipping. mus find for something smaller.

