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paint for foam


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    paint for foam

    what paint can you use for foam ..I have tried tamiya and koyosho both eat the foam as well as the $4 paint fomr DIY store .... help please

    You can only use Acrylic paint on foam or as you have discovered the paint eats the foam. If as I have done on the Concorde (see slow flying Concorde thread) you bond lightweight tissue using a PVA paste to the foam first then you can use any kind of paint with exception of Dope should you be able to buy that in Singapore.


      one simpler method. spray with an adhesive spray, than spray any paint u want(but spray it at 20cm away from object,as too much spray on the spot will penetrate the layer of adhesive spray and eat up the foam). This will have only a simpler spraying effect where u will see the orange skin of the FOAM. If u want a better and cleaner skin on the foam, u will need to add tissue on the foam and start spraying the adhesive spray.

      U will see from this photo that I had a EAT up on the plane as I spray too near to the spot and SPLATTED with too much paint. At first I tot "die liao die liao" but after consulted a static model enthusiast fren of mine, he say why not made it look like battle scar ! with some silver paint and do some dry brushing and WALLA .. some battle scar on my ME-109 hhahahaha



        Buy tamiya paint. TS-series. It is spray paint for plastic models. You can spray as close as u like with no damage to foam.


          Paint for Foams

          Friend of mine uses Emulsion Wall paints (those like Nippon, ICI or Berger), they are water based and will not attack Foam, but you have to do at least 2 coats.
          Buy a small can and try out first.
          Good experimenting



            100% no melted foam using the "Tamiya Color for Aircraft". You can only find this in model shops. Do note that you need at least 2 cans for 1 bird.

            The normal Tamiya spray eats foam, I was told.


              I was using the Tamiya paints for plastic models on my foam planes. No damage to the foams so far.


                since I already had the paint dow!!!! I decided to get the water based varnish and apply that first ( I have been told by someone else that its also a possibility and paint with normal paint afterwards ..
                will see how it goes


                  Originally posted by $h@d0w
                  I was using the Tamiya paints for plastic models on my foam planes. No damage to the foams so far.
                  ya but very damaging to the pocket


                    Hi Tele, the water based varnish base has been used by many people in the USA on foam models with success. You may want to search the E-zone in the foamies and jets pushers threads for more information on this.


                      Originally posted by loyn
                      ya but very damaging to the pocket
                      Yes I know. Spent $40+ on paint on my last visit to Stargek.


                        i covered it with the varnish and the sprayed problems at all ..then even gave it another coat of varnish to make it look good will post some pics later


                          hello there tele..

                          just an advise here, dont put too much layers on the foam.. based on my experience, too much paint will eventually make ur plane a lil heavier..

                          just my 2 cents..

                          all the best!

                          this hobby is a compulsion/addiction/disease


                            weight difference 18g


                              ohr ok.. ahahaa.. i guess its not too bad

                              this hobby is a compulsion/addiction/disease

