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Spare equipment project


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    Spare equipment project

    Every now and then we tend to buy some stuff, only to find out later that it does not suit the requirements. These items ended as spares and many would probably try to sell them off. I am one of the few, who would keep them hidden somewhere, and didn't bother to try and sell them off. It is only when I did some housekeeping, that I discover that I have many wonderful stuff to start a new project.

    There is this one scale model which I always wanted to build. However, I don't want to spend too much time and effort to produce a super scale model of it, as I only wanted it as an everyday sport plane. As such, I scanned the 3 views into my laptop and started designing it since the last few weeks.

    It is only till today that I actually started to cut some balsa. I managed to do this far today. Any wild guess what plane is this going to be?

    Oh by the way, I must really thank Mike for the wonderful prize I got during the Lucky draw in RCS 2010. He also sponsored me the drill stand and power supply. Thanks Mike. I'll put them to some really good use.

    Sorry of the off-topic even this is only the 2nd post.


      Mysterious Plane

      Hi Joe,

      Antonov AN-2 Colt Biplane. Siberian Workhorse.



        What can I say? Some of you guys out there really got keen eyes. That's really fast, Reggie.


          Very cool Joe, nice and interesting subject. Will be following your thread with interest.

          Btw what the wingspan of this plane?

          Have fun building


            NICE Joe!
            One of my all time favorite aircraft.
            Have a plan for one, back in the States, but wasn't impressed enough with it to start a build.
            Yours looks great!

            Yournot gonna do the Utterly Butterly scheme are you?



              Nice one Joe, getting ready for RCS 2011?????


                Nahhh. I'm not going to spend too much time decorating and putting the details on this project. It'll just serve as my backyard flyer on my spare equipment. I'll probably going to just cover it in Olive drab iron-ons.

                RCS 2011? Not with this. The subject is still on the drawing board stage.



                  Eyes peeled to see its progress and difficulty. Very interested to build an AN-2 since forever. Good luck!

                  Four channel control? Or something more/less?


                    This is going to be 4 channel controls, although I don't know how effective are the small ailerons on the upper wings only.


                      I only managed this far today. This is mainly due to the time spent trying to figure out how the canopy should look like. I'm not a perfectionist here, but even will a lot of "agaration", the canopy is killing a lot of brain cells.

                      I had figured out something basic, but even that has a lot of trial and errors. I have chopped, sanded and reposition each frame several time to get this far. Even so, there are some more errors here which I haven't rectify.

                      In between, I managed to finish up the fuselage rear top section and made the fin and rudder. Again, some mistakes here and there but there's nothing too serious that speckling compound can't fix.

                      Standing back and admire my work a little, the bulky fuselage really makes the plane more cuddly.


                        Just a pointer. If you look closely enough, you'll notice that I have glued some vertical stiffeners between the window cutouts.

                        This will strengthen and stiffen up the skin between the cutouts as they are weak spots and tend to sag with the grain running only longitudinally across the fuselage. This stiffeners are only 1/32" thick strip but they make alot of difference here. Without them you'll find a lot difficulties trying to cover the fuselage nicely with iron-on coverings.

                        Last edited by joe yap; 27-10-2010, 11:18 AM.


                          Wow man.

                          How I wish I'd the time and resolve. and the spares...
                          Go back in one piece to fly another day.
                          Having fun yet?


                            A lot of head scratching and end up with this. Not 100% scale, but look pretty close.


                              I fabricated and steerable tail wheel assembly and epoxied the last former in place.

