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Newbie here


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    Newbie here

    Hi everyone, Im Mike and Im beginning to like this RC plane hobby. Saw a few people flying at ponggol on Monday eveing. Yet to get my 1st plane. Any recommendation? Should I get a foam or balsa? Saw some nice warbird n acrobatic planes. Looks like foam. And some can fly very fast but when it lands, was crash landing. Where can I get a cheap n nice plane? Is it true that for $150, can get a RTF plane with tx?

    Originally posted by shootababe View Post
    Hi everyone, Im Mike and Im beginning to like this RC plane hobby. Saw a few people flying at ponggol on Monday eveing. Yet to get my 1st plane. Any recommendation? Should I get a foam or balsa? Saw some nice warbird n acrobatic planes. Looks like foam. And some can fly very fast but when it lands, was crash landing. Where can I get a cheap n nice plane? Is it true that for $150, can get a RTF plane with tx?
    if you have no flying experience at all, i reckon you should really consider spending that $150 on a flight simulator. with that kinda money, u should be ablt to get a second hand Realflight G3 or G4 - saw a few members selling in the market place.

    getting your orientation right is very important. will help you save lots of cash.

    once you are familiar with the orientation and feel more confident, you can even bypass getting a high wing trainer and jump to a low wing trainer - like a calmato sport for example.

    hope this helps. =)
    Irony = displaying enough parking coupons on your dashboard but getting fined for littering when you throw the stubs on the floor


      a simulator is the best investment for a newbie, like me... i got a $35 one. although the graphic or realism cannot be compared to those more expensive simulator, but its good enough to train my orientation.
      Controller: Spektrum DX6i
      Fix Wing: 3DHS Edge 540 41", World Models Zero Fighter EP.
      Rotary Wing: Align Trex450 Pro.


        Although the Sims does helps in getting to know the controller. Beside familiarizing with the controller and reducing repairs cost.

        But nothing beats flying with more experienced flyers, as a group. I believe they can provide valuable advice/concerns, to you. Although some of them will also hum-tum you while at it.

        As a group, they can teach you the safety aspects of things and the type of equipment to consider. Also how to repair your plane after a crash, blah, blah, blah....

        Thus, I would suggest you go down to that "Punggol" group and mingle around. Ask questions. I'm sure they will gladly provide you with the answers.

        Being new, I would not suggest your first plane to be a balsa. You may end up , the first time your plane kiss the ground.

        It is only a suggestion.



          foamies would be nice.. oh, try spending some time with flight sims first. the get a supercub or slow stick.. that should start you up.


            Try this one, cheap and good..



              Thanks for all the advice. Will look around in marketplace for foamplane. Hope to be able to fly a EDF jet soon. Haha
              Is it better to buy all the electronic bit by bit or a combo? What abt building the plane? Is there a building guide that comes along?


                Many flyers have estarters... perhaps they are willing to sell you their old ones.

                I also have, but reluctant to sell yet..
                I'm Remotely Controlled ...


                  I started abt a month ago and man up to today, this is my 3rd estarter. Finally i stop crashing. Slowstick not highly recomended. Better off with a 4 channel to get on the right foot. My advice don't overpower your 1st estarter. I learned the hard way. Addition, get the pros in here to help u out(that excludes me)


                    by the way just to let u know that the price of estarter have increased. Was $36+ for a NPS when i bought them a month ago. Believe its abt $50 now. Lucky me.


                      Originally posted by porksoda View Post
                      by the way just to let u know that the price of estarter have increased. Was $36+ for a NPS when i bought them a month ago. Believe its abt $50 now. Lucky me.
                      wat causes the increase?


                        currency thats what they said at rotor.


                          YEah good news... can mark up my estarter in Market place next time... LOL
                          I'm Remotely Controlled ...


                            Me Newbiess need help

                            Hi, I'm new to this hobby. Already bought Phoniex flight simulator & Futaba tx 6x & able to fly using high trainer but still need more flying to stabilise . Heard that it'll be totally different on flying the actual ones which need to callibrate all the equips. Can anyone advice to guide me. Anyone playing rc @ jurong By the way, is Alex still contactable......
                            Pls advise


                              Originally posted by mdridwans View Post
                              Hi, I'm new to this hobby. Already bought Phoniex flight simulator & Futaba tx 6x & able to fly using high trainer but still need more flying to stabilise . Heard that it'll be totally different on flying the actual ones which need to callibrate all the equips. Can anyone advice to guide me. Anyone playing rc @ jurong By the way, is Alex still contactable......
                              Pls advise
                              My perception is that simulators are only as close to the real flying up to 50%.

                              There is so much difference...

                              1. Sim you sit. RC you stand.
                              2. Sim you stare at the screen. RC you look at the bright skies and 360 all round, up and down.
                              3. Sim you don't have to worry about crashes so we tend to get less cautious. In RC, one mistake is all it takes and there is no "restart" button to click.

                              As for equipment wise, it will be wise to go to your favourite flying field on the day where the experience flyers will be there to check your setup before you launch it in the air. You never know, there might just be one thing you still need to trim etc.. and that may cause you to go to point #3 ..
                              I'm Remotely Controlled ...

