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RC Plane or Glider???


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    RC Plane or Glider???

    Hi guys
    I'm a really new at these hobby. Need some good advise before I jump into these hobby.

    I've always interested in flying a plane but never really gone into it mainly because of cost.

    I like something that is easy to fly and operate, stays in the air longer(please don't recomend me heli), easy to maintain.

    1. Actually what are the main difference between plane and glider?
    2. Would they have the same flying feature? Which is easier to control?
    3. What is the cost like for a full entry level package that comes with plane, control and everything else?
    4. Where to get them?

    Any other advise would be most welcome from the seniors.

    Thank you for your kind contributions.

    Glider with motor I suppose ? Some gliders are non-powered, make use of thermal to keep in the air.

    Few recommendation, like the multiplex easystar is one, simpler controls because it do away with an extra channel - aileron. You concentrate of trottle, rudder and elevator only. No problem with crashing since elapor foam survive many crashes already.

    Main attraction is big wings and hang in the air for a long time, easy to repair because they don't shatter like normal foams. It will break cleanly so you just superglue back in minutes and continue fly. 3 channels to learn only so enjoyment is higher for beginner and less frustration.

    By the way I not selling anything, just base on recent experience since I started off with one like this. But you can try source elsewhere for similar models ( other manufacturers ), or get a second hand one if you don't mind their condition.
    I'm Remotely Controlled ...


      try the ez star or supercub! lots of people recommended the latter to me.. infact, after my flight sims i used my friends' old supercub before i fly my cessna 182


        Originally posted by blueangel View Post

        Main attraction is big wings and hang in the air for a long time,
        Personally I feel glider is the way to go for newbie.

        These are my pointers for flying glider for newbies:

        1. Larger wing span to better orientation.
        2. Longer airtime because you don't use power or very little power flying around.
        3. You don't have to worry on throttle management. Therefore you only have ailerons, elevator and rudder to concentrate.
        4. If you throttle and trim is set correctly, all you need is to power up and the glider climbs by itself.
        5. Glider slide nicely on landing on a field. There no worries of landing on tarmac and landing gear will not get caught in grass causing the plane to topple. Thus damaging the gears or prop.

        Gliders are generally more expensive because they need better setup and the R&D that goes into developing good gliders.

        To give you an example, my glider, I power up to climb for 45 - 60 sec. If I am hunting for thermal and get caught in it, I can stay up over 20 minutes. I normally get tired after that and land. So give and take, 3 minutes of motor power, I can stay up around 60 minutes or longer.

        Hope this helps.


          You can consider the AXN Floater jet / Cloud Fly too. It is a 'chiong' version of multiplex easy star. I am flying this and it glides quite well. And now is available in Singapore via Jet Hobby.


            i'm always intrigue by how rc gliders can stay up in the air for so long.
            Controller: Spektrum DX6i
            Fix Wing: 3DHS Edge 540 41", World Models Zero Fighter EP.
            Rotary Wing: Align Trex450 Pro.


              RC Gliders have a few broad categories.

              Thermal and Slope gliders are usually unpowered and are designed to make use of every bit of lift to stay aloft.

              Go for an EZ Star type plane. Not only AXN Floater Jet, there are some cheapo RTF planes that have the same pusher type design. Not too expensive and worth trying out.

              Get a free/cheap RC simulator, to help you orientate and practice.

              As a second plane, I recommend the Cessna 182 with landing gear, ailerons, rudder, elevator, flaps and the scale lighting.
              Relax and Enjoy The Hobby.
              Note to self: Must stop buying too much stuff.

