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Sig Hog Bipe


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    Sig Hog Bipe

    All these scale plane postings have whetted my appetite to start building my TF AT6. By will first have to clear out a few projects that were mothballed a year and a half ago. First to the flight line will be the Sig Hog Bipe. Spent the day setting up her servos etc. Barring bad weather, this one will be doing her maiden this weekend.

    To must not lose.


    Nice plane.

    You got the Rascal? It nice too.



      I've built a rascal - the small one, designed for electric power. Nice plane to build and fly. Sig kits are generally well made, with good wood supplied and parts are accurate and fit well. Some die crushing still but in the newer or updated kits, they come with laser cutting - nice.

      Accounts on the web seems to say that its one of the nicest biplane kits around. It had better be cos my thumbs have not flown a plane for a year and a half - so I am quite rusty.
      To must not lose.



        Not maidened yet because I got distracted by having to make these for my kids. Baby Jazz from free plans on the internet.

        More fun than a barrel of monkeys.
        To must not lose.



          The chuck gliders looked niced Tony!

          what did you used for the nose weight? lead strips or plastacine?
          Punggol Field Walk - Precision Landing Required!


            A bit of plasticine to hold some lead shot. These are little round lead pellets - the kind used for making shot gun cartridges. These planes were for my sons and built in a hurry from scrap and not from selected wood but quite hardy ie. can take quite a bit of abuse from my kids and quite tolerant of launching styles.
            To must not lose.



              Originally posted by Tony View Post
              Not maidened yet because I got distracted by having to make these for my kids. Baby Jazz from free plans on the internet.

              More fun than a barrel of monkeys.
              where u got this plane from?


                Originally posted by khpan2003 View Post
                where u got this plane from?
                They are built from plans given free on the internet. Do a search for Baby Jazz.
                To must not lose.



                  Finally, the Hog Bipe was maidened yestarday. The Saito 90 coughed in life and ran lustily despite having been mothballed for a good number of years. Needed some fiddling with the idle and soon it was on the flight line.

                  On take off, it was immediately apparent that I had set the CG way to far back. It was set to the limit recommended on the plans. She immediately needed full down trim to keep her nose level and she was ultra sensitive to elevator control. Although I had kept to the recommended throws for the ailerons and rudder, they appeared to be way to much - or could it be that I am just not used to it having not been flying for more than a year. I'll dial down the throws a tad just for now. Other than the elevator, no trim was required for the ailerons or rudder.

                  The engine quit when I did a loop - engine was set too lean I think - and I had to attempt a deadstick landing. Got no where near the runway - the bipe, having the drag of two wings has a glide ratio of a brick when the power is cut. Against the fairly strong winds, she not so much as glided down as hovered down vertically without making any headway. Which turned out to be a good thing as it landed in a rough patch which would have ripped off her landing gear and perhaps inflict quite a bit of damage to the lower wings had she had more forward speed. She bounced and flipped. It was a good think that I had modified the gear mount to use plastic bolts. One bolt was found to be sheared off but no damage to the mount or fuselage at all. I suspect that had it been steel bolts, I'd likely have a mount to repair.

                  I have cut out the piece of lead I had on the tail which should shift the CG forward and reduced the throws on the ailerons and elevator. I may put in a tad of downthrust to the engine.

                  Sorry, no photographs as I was late at the field and had only just enough time to set her up and fly once.
                  Last edited by Tony; 02-06-2009, 09:41 AM.
                  To must not lose.



                    Hi T,

                    Nice bird, good description of your maiden- will be useful for someone trying the same plane. I am sure she flies good once you find the CG and trim her- all the best.



                      She is fixed up and ready to fly again. Still fiddling around learing how use the Futaba 12FG. Very flexible system with all the bells and whistles anyone could want but learning curve is pretty steep........for me.
                      To must not lose.


