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F-22 scratchbuild from


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    F-22 scratchbuild from

    Hi guys, wanna share my new scratchbuild plane. Its from

    Everything is according to plan except for a tinie winie thing i add on is a bomb bay I think bomb bay looks much cooler on my F-22 then on my powered glider.

    its a 80cm wingspan.
    Using towerpro 1600kv motor spinning 7x4 inch prop will pull 600-700grams of thrust at about 20A.
    Will be using flapperons and elevator to fly. The website suggested to add rudder if i want my turns to be sharper and have more control over the plane. But..., nah.. i'm not a rudder person.. haha.

    I anticipate this birdy might be more of a aerobatic type then a really fast plane.

    This plane built from 6mm/3mm depron.

    Will be madiening probably at JW field or my neighbourhood field on a sunday.

    Ok enough heres the pictures.

    Build it
    Fly it
    Crash it
    Fix it

    I think the most time consuming part of building is the cockpit or the nose area which requires alot of sanding.

    The fuselage is just cut and glue ,simple...

    As for the bombbay area, i have to edit the building plans abit here and there...changing the dimensions to fit in the 20x8cm door.

    Ok, the rest of the pictures are showing the completion of the top part of the body. The top part iof the body is 3mm depron glued over the templates to achive the rounded shape.

    I haven't sparyed the F-22 yet..., i'm thinking of grey as maincolour and RSAF decals to be painted on the plane. I'm open to any suggestion on the paintjob

    Build it
    Fly it
    Crash it
    Fix it


      I redone my F-22 cockpit. Instead of a block foam, its now a clear plastic canopy.

      I put in a small little HUD and a chair inside to look nice.

      Build it
      Fly it
      Crash it
      Fix it


        Next will be my paintjob. I choose silver and grey as the 2 main colour.

        I noticed when i spray paint on sanded surfaces and non-sanded surfaces of the depron. The non-sanded surface of the depron gave me a nicer smoother and clean finish.

        Btw, this is my first time using spraypaint..haha.

        Build it
        Fly it
        Crash it
        Fix it


          nice work
          JR9XII PCM n XPS n FRSKY 2.4GHz

          me is " Kancheong spider "


            The flight test went well today at jw field. The first throw/launch got it flying right away. I had to keep about 10degrees elevator up to keep the plane level. I belive the CG is too forward, but i didn't had the chance to make the 3rd and 4th launch because the motor wire broke when the plane crash landed. Its still repairable so no worries.

            The plane flys at a slow pace, slow but steady, at full throttle it goes pretty quick, but not as fast as those hotliners there! It glides wonderfully with throttle cut.

            I had it flying on a 3550kv motor on 5x4.75 prop because the 1600kv motor spoilt on the day of the madien sadly.

            Heres a few pictures, one of them is my F-22 beside babylon5's twinjet

            Build it
            Fly it
            Crash it
            Fix it


              Hey you're good!

              This is by far the nicest looking of your builds. (not saying your other builds are u.g.l.y. but this is the nicest looking)

              Keep it up.

              Maybe you can put a toy pilot in there, ha ha!
              "Always fly with a responsible attitude. You may think that flying low over other people’s heads is proof of your piloting skill; others know better. The real expert does not need to prove himself in such childish ways..." - the Multiplex Build Manual


                haha! thanks. but i've to say, looking back 5-6months ago, i think my other scratch builds are crappy looking.

                Well, it just gets better and better after building more! Build nice is hard enough, but getting it to fly well is another thing... wahaha.

                Anyway yes, i'm might place a pilot inside..., and it won't be just anytoy pilot, it'll be me and my face printed and paste on the seat. hahahaha.
                Build it
                Fly it
                Crash it
                Fix it


                  Ah,..i finally got someone to take pictures of my f-22 while i fly.
                  But really sorry for the horrible blurred pictures, i didn't expect my camera to capture blurred shots
                  Anyway, here are the pictures.

                  Build it
                  Fly it
                  Crash it
                  Fix it


                    Great job Really looks the part in the air

                    Twin EDF version for your next project?
                    If in doubt - add more horsepower!


                      LOOKS SUPER COOL!!! Well done man!


                        Thanks for your nice comments

                        Anyway, i don't think i will ever convert this into a twin edf plane.

                        Firstly its going to be time consuming scratch building the intake and exhaust and edf tubing.... for each edf ..haha, headache.

                        and secondly i think that pusher always has more power then a edf alone consuming the same power.

                        But then agian..a twin edf F-22 will always look more like a real jet then a pusher.
                        Click here for F-22 video on youtube
                        Build it
                        Fly it
                        Crash it
                        Fix it

