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Receiver Antenna


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    Receiver Antenna

    I am in the process of finishing the build on a Phoenix Models Scanner, but am unsure how and where to mount the receiver antenna. I read on another website that it is not recommended to have the wire attached to the vertical tail fin, what options are there on a plane and how should I go about installation on a ARF plane?

    I don't see why there would be any problem attaching the antenna to the vertical stabilizer. In fact, that's where the HF antenna is attached to in full sized planes.

    If you don't want to have the antenna wire attached to the tail, you can always drill a small hole in the fuselage beneath the wing, and use clear 3M scotch tape to cleanly tape the antenna to the side of the fuselage all the way to the tail. Just remember to clean the surface with rubbing alcohol first to ensure the tape holds firmly, and to prevent it from becoming a mess when fuel and exhaust oil come into contact with it.

    But I think mounting it on the tail is much cooler!

