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Twinjet Converted To Mon0jet


Zenm Tech Pte Ltd


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    Twinjet Converted To Mon0jet

    A Twinjet converted to Monojet

    After much deliberation on the power set-up, i chose to go the mono way..

    Reason: because i have a Jeti 30/3 being left unused for a while
    : i have a big pack 3cell 5400mah (low C ) also a white elephant
    : i dun want to waste both my spin 33 esc on a twin
    : because twin jet body is a fat pig. too draggy, so no point going twin on a mega 3 turn. i have a Dynamic 400 for the high speed passes thrill

    Specs :
    Motor - Jeti phasor 30/3
    esc - Spin33
    Batt - electric power 3s5400mah
    servos - HS81
    RX- hitec electron 6
    Prop 9x8 apc

    performance : pretty quick, verticals are pretty good (a speck in the sky within seconds) . not very loud , due to large prop.
    endurance : flew 20minutes, only used up 2800mah. should be able to fly a 30 to 35 minutes flight with moderation on throttling with my 5400mah pack.
    Overall : nice quick set up.

    max current drawn is 34amp.
    max motor temp is 60 degrees
    MAx prop RPM is 11000

    measurements from the Spin esc through spin box

