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New MUGI builder - newbie Please advise


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    New MUGI builder - newbie Please advise

    Hello guys;

    I'm a newbie to RC flying. This is my first post here!

    Been flying the GWS pico stick for a while, and out of ambition, decided to build a MUGI flying wing.

    I've been trying to get mine to fly, but it just spins a short distance in the air and crashes nose first all the time.

    I also wonder if my power is insufficient;

    Please, seniors, can advise because I am kinda discouraged.

    CG is centre of wing - at correct position, as it seems.

    Here is some information;

    Motor is GWBLM005
    Inrunner BL Motor 2028 Blue
    4600 Kv - ok??

    Prop is APC 6 x 4E

    Battery is the one I suspect that's weak.

    It's a GWS lipo 3 cell;11.1V1300mAh

    PolyQuest 3S1P 2200maH is recommended on the website ...

    What exactly does voltage and mAh do???

    If I change the batts will my motor burn??

    In addition, when my batteries are used, my motor cuts off at high throttle levels. How do I take care of batteries and such?

    Sorry to trouble you seniors for this!
    "Always fly with a responsible attitude. You may think that flying low over other people’s heads is proof of your piloting skill; others know better. The real expert does not need to prove himself in such childish ways..." - the Multiplex Build Manual

    Hi Sunstorm!

    Welcome to DaddyHobby! and welcome to this rc hobby too...
    here's some info on Mugi...and photos...

    also, look at thread #38 pic of the mugi

    you got to push the CG to front some more, this, you can cut a bigger slot on the rear to shift the rear motor inwards(towards nose). like this

    K catch up later...perhaps you can take some pics of your built...from top angle we can guide you along based on these pics...

    bro your prop may be too big liao...try GWS 4030 or APB 5" prop or lesser,
    as someone on field to help you check the amp draw...else overdraw may bloat your lipo batt.


    ps: this is a fast plane...suggest you get someone experienced to fly with you.
    Punggol Field Walk - Precision Landing Required!


      Thank you very much! I've just realised that it could be the torque from the props that cause the thing to spin out of control.

      I still haven't really figured out this thing about current / voltage and motor kv totally yet... worse still there's this thing about props sizes... it is confusing to say the least.... I was contemplating buying a polyquest 2200 mAh battery somemore...

      I was thinking of re-doing one and starting from scratch with proper 2 mm coroplast, but before I do that, I'm going to try some more things;

      1) replace prop with the one you mentioned.
      2) replace control rods with proper carbon rods with pegs to servos and servo horns.

      The lipo is hot to the touch and cuts off at the 75% throttle. Does it mean that the props are drawing too much amps?

      By the way I stay in punggol so if we can do a fun fly it's ok... thanks!

      P.s where can I buy GWS accessories? I mean I'm thinking of the place that has the most GWS stuff in Sg.
      I may head down to fook hai building soon.

      "Always fly with a responsible attitude. You may think that flying low over other people’s heads is proof of your piloting skill; others know better. The real expert does not need to prove himself in such childish ways..." - the Multiplex Build Manual


        Hi Sunstorm,

        from your pic, I can see your Mugi "nose" is slighly arched upwards.
        It may affect your level flight such that when you throttle, the plane climbs upwards. while level flight is ok.

        you mentioned your plane torgue rolled, I think it can be solved by a bit of trimming.

        did your plane flew level ? cos from the pic I can see your tail is heavy,
        and usually this will cause the plane to be uncontrollable and always need a lot of power to keep it in flight.

        We are located at Punggol Field you can drop by evenings during weekdays..look for Leon, Chekgu, Edmond, William, Jonathan, Malcome,Daniel to help you trim the flying wing.

        or Sat morning about 7.30am onwards, I may be there, pls pm me on Friday in case you going to Punggol field bro.

        Your lipo and motor should be very hot ,symptom of big prop and overdrawn current. result in early cut off, extra hot lipo and motor.
        Careful to time youself each flight , try 5mins first. cos sometimes you became so exicited and forgot about the flight time and overdrawn lipo can cause it to bloat.

        regarding the GWS stuffs, you can get the props from Jet Hobby, or Rotor.
        try different sizes 4030 or 4025, or cut 0.5mm off your 5" prop to try.

        use GWS prop first , cheaper mah...else APC prop break costly man..

        BTW, Mugi is not so suitable for new flyers. you can try Beaver first, only 3controls (Throttle, Elevator, Rudder) so you can concentrate on learninng basic flying tactics, take off and landing, directional control.

        Proceed to eStarter, as additional control is added i.e. Ailerons.
        This will cause your plane to roll along its fuselarge and you need to level it by sight.

        Mugi uses Elevon controls, similar to IFOs, or Flying Wings (Zagi).
        you will need some experience to fly as this type of plane usually need some speed to get it flying, and that speed is too quick for new flyer to react result often in a crash. So fly carefully or get someone stand by your side same MODE as your controls to guide along.

        have fun bro!

        Punggol Field Walk - Precision Landing Required!


          Heheh. Just give your Mugi to be touched by P4cm4n2000 and all will be well. I'm in the (extremely slow) process of building another one as my 1st one is so bashed up. It went swimming in many puddles and ate a lot of mud. But still can fly! But it would not have been able to do so without P4cm4n2000's help. Thank you, brother!
          I can haz diving?

