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Newbie need to know how to stay on the air


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    Newbie need to know how to stay on the air

    Hi, super newbie here.

    While waiting to figure out how to DIY a flight sim cable for my 2nd hand tx. I thought I tryout flying FMS using keyboard. However, everytime I took off, I lost control and crash. Any kind soul who had flew FMS using keyboard control to give some tips on take off and remain on the air so that I could try out the various flight controls.

    Many thanks.

    erm... did you do the setting first?

    like up down left right... which button controls the direction and such?

    this is what i set when i was using the keyboard.

    Nose up = S
    Nose down = W
    Left Alieron = A
    Right Alieron = D
    Left Rudder = Z
    Right rudder = C

    Throttle = Arrow up/Down

    actually... the Esky USB controller is not a bad buy... can consider... about $30++ can get already...

    Have fun!


      i suggest some patience and do up the tx first....dun need your brain to map itself to the keyboard
      TREX 500 ESP
      Futaba T12FGH


        Thx guy for the kind help. Managed to fly blindly in the air for a long while without crashing. I think it is a matter of getting use to the control. And unlike driving, the plane need constant adjustment. So much for tonight. Now its time to figure out the tx connection to PC. Good night.


          agree with art... using the keyboard doesn't help you one bit when it comes to flying with a tx... the finger controls just doesn't make sense at all...

          it does help you to "train" your eyes... but just because you can fly on keyboard does not mean tx is a piece of cake... i learnt that the hard way :P

