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My new formosa II~!


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    My new formosa II~!

    wooo just finished spraying my red hot formosa II~ Almost ready for maiden. Still deciding whether to mount the landing gear. Hope my pilot would do a good job during maiden

    Multiplex Parkmaster 3D
    Tarot 450SE V2

    woo...nice build & paint job....haha very cute pilot...
    Frequency : 40.77MHz

    Transmitter : Futaba 6EXAP

    Now Flying : GWS E-Starter

    Graveyard : GWS Beaver

    Fun Heli : PiccoZ


      think i saw this theme b4. right BEE? look like ur F2


        Oh is it?? I didnt know it has been done before

        Multiplex Parkmaster 3D
        Tarot 450SE V2


          Cool work man... cute pilot
          Take what you've got and fly with it - Jim Henson
          ... no plane will allow a pilot to recover from stupid. You still have to do those piloty things... - Joe Wurts
          Electric things run on smoke. Let the smoke out and they won't work.



            landing gear

            Good work...!! But no landing gear ... is the plane a bit heavy to hand launch ?



              care to share the power setup?


                Ermmm.. Not sure if it will be difficult to hand launch.. Think i'd better put the landing gear. Ok my setting up would be...

                Dualsky XM3542CA-5 1050 RPM/V 450W
                Dualsky 40A ESC
                DN 2150mah 20C or FP 2150 20/25C (still thinking of which to get)
                AUW without batt is around +/-650g


                  Hmmm... F2..

                  No lah.. my F2 got one more red strip on the tail.
                  No pilot and many battle markings from been shot down and mid-air with
                  little tigermoth. That tiger has got carbon on the leading edge.

                  Hmm.. maybe we can fly together. bro planes...

                  Anywhere my glider is almost ready. Be patient heng...


                    holycow == madflurry ??

                    2nd time I've seen 1 ans for the other in a thread...


                      Haha.. didnt know our plane is so similar.. only one stripe different. Great mine think alike man lol.. maybe we should fly together sometime. But hopefully wont identify the wrong plane lol

                      oh about the holycow issue.. my buddy lukas used my comp and didnt log out his acc after use.. and i didnt realise it's his acc Sorry for the confusion.. Anyway his e-starter should be ready to maiden soon

                      Multiplex Parkmaster 3D
                      Tarot 450SE V2


                        Originally posted by Bee
                        No lah.. my F2 got one more red strip on the tail.
                        No pilot and many battle markings from been shot down and mid-air with
                        little tigermoth. That tiger has got carbon on the leading edge.

                        Hmm.. maybe we can fly together. bro planes...

                        Anywhere my glider is almost ready. Be patient heng...
                        hi bee. if u can remember this hehe


                          Still got one final flight!

                          Yah.. that for memory.
                          me go find my pic b4 maiden.. and been shot down..

                          madflurry.. where u fly? me fly woodlands, holland and at times DHJW.
                          Maybe we can fly formation.. ha.. don't mind fly head-on also..
                          but will be after glider season. All electronic in my glider now.

                          It still fly straight. ha..


                            wah... you mean you managed to fix it back into one piece after that crash??? Looks pretty bad man.. I'm flying at bedok reservoir. Anyway what glider are you flying??

                            Multiplex Parkmaster 3D
                            Tarot 450SE V2


                              Finally completed with landing gear

                              Multiplex Parkmaster 3D
                              Tarot 450SE V2

