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Potong Pasir YEC Flying Club Fun Fly


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    Potong Pasir YEC Flying Club Fun Fly

    Just some info for anyone interested.

    The Potong Pasir YEC Flying Club will be having a Fun Fly on 19th November at their flying site in Tuas. There will be three events - a Loop the Loop (the highest number of loops in a given time wins), Drag Race (shortest time between two points in the air and on the ground - wins) and Touch n Go (self explanatory).

    The Fun Fly is open only to club members but membership registration will be available so that non-members can take part. Goodie bags, simple lunch, and lucky draw will be held. Even if you are not participating , come over and root for your favourite participant and have some fun and laughs.

    PM me if you want directions to get there and timings etc etc..
    To must not lose.


    Originally posted by Tony
    Just some info for anyone interested.

    The Potong Pasir YEC Flying Club will be having a Fun Fly on 19th November at their flying site in Tuas. There will be three events - a Loop the Loop (the highest number of loops in a given time wins), Drag Race (shortest time between two points in the air and on the ground - wins) and Touch n Go (self explanatory).

    The Fun Fly is open only to club members but membership registration will be available so that non-members can take part. Goodie bags, simple lunch, and lucky draw will be held. Even if you are not participating , come over and root for your favourite participant and have some fun and laughs.

    PM me if you want directions to get there and timings etc etc..
    The Fun Fly is open only to club members but membership registration will be available so that non-members can take part.
    Just to clarify Tony, what do you mean by the above statement? Do I have to become a full member or is it just for day membership.


      Originally posted by Curare
      The Fun Fly is open only to club members but membership registration will be available so that non-members can take part.
      Just to clarify Tony, what do you mean by the above statement? Do I have to become a full member or is it just for day membership.

      The Club does not have a day membership. I am afraid its a full membership. On the bright side, you'll be entitled to fly at the site for a year with a great bunch of guys.
      To must not lose.



        Originally posted by Tony
        The Club does not have a day membership. I am afraid its a full membership. On the bright side, you'll be entitled to fly at the site for a year with a great bunch of guys.
        I think this matter should be given a bit more thought. I would like to take part in the funfly and maybe others as well but I have no intention of becoming a club member as I live at the other end of our red dot. PPFC should re-consider on this issue and offer day membership just like RMS for those who are interested in taking part in the funfly.


          I will convey. I understand that they cannot do it because of insurance issues. But no worries. There will be another competition coming up soon in a few months and there will be more time to find a solution before then. If not, then perhaps come and join in the fun as spectators, cheer the underdog, and to share our common love - planes.
          To must not lose.



            Originally posted by Tony
            I will convey. I understand that they cannot do it because of insurance issues. But no worries. There will be another competition coming up soon in a few months and there will be more time to find a solution before then. If not, then perhaps come and join in the fun as spectators, cheer the underdog, and to share our common love - planes.
            At RMS I think to be a day member, one has to pay something like $20, this covers for the insurance. Also this would not be the first time that PPFC has organised a funfly at its site. I know because I flew in one of the competitions at PPFC Tuas and I remember having to pay for the entry fee, which is no big issue since I was there to have fun and to mix with the other fliers there.


              Yes, you are right. They used to have a day membership. But no longer.

              Since you live at the other end of the island, it might not be worthwhile for you to join as member because of the travelling distance. Well, ven if you can't join in the flying, you are more than welcome to come join in as a spectator, cheer your favourite underdog and chit chat.

              Look out for notification about the competition in a couple of months time. There will be more time to work out something to allow non-members or day members to take part by then (hopefully) so more people can take part.
              To must not lose.



                Originally posted by Tony
                Yes, you are right. They used to have a day membership. But no longer.

                Since you live at the other end of the island, it might not be worthwhile for you to join as member because of the travelling distance. Well, ven if you can't join in the flying, you are more than welcome to come join in as a spectator, cheer your favourite underdog and chit chat.

                Look out for notification about the competition in a couple of months time. There will be more time to work out something to allow non-members or day members to take part by then (hopefully) so more people can take part.
                (There will be more time to work out something to allow non-members or day members to take part by then (hopefully) so more people can take part.)
                I think this should be the main point in holding a funfly....more people to take part and interact with one another on a great hobby.


                  Like one of the famous ad says.......membership has it priviledges The next one will have more events and open to all. You can join in to fly in that one. For the fun fly, you are welcome to join in the get together. The more the merrier.
                  To must not lose.



                    Well Tony you could offer Curare a day membership for $105/-!!. I live on the other "more civilised" part of this island too and am trying to lobby for an mrt line to the flying field.I'll come back to fly when the line's up and running although I've been told not to hold my breath waiting!
                    Whats the point in advertising a fun fly when outsiders can't participate without becoming members.Zounds like a membership recruitment drive to me!
                    Although I'll have to say that the PPFC (pleasant people flying club) members are the nicest this side of the planet.They are helpful,friendly and they sometimes entertain you with spectacular midairs (sorry lockheed!).


                      Hey Tony, first time I've seen YEC.What's that stand for? Young Energetic Club,Your Engine Conk,You Everyday Come,You Everyday Crash?



                        What more could you ask for . Views of the sea........a beach chair under a tent...........a cup of Ah Lau's freshly cooked (not brewed - pun intended)thick black coffee in one hand............a transmitter in the other...........a plane on the flight line waiting to take off......Ahhhhh Priceless! (blatent plagiarism of another famous ad ) Well worth the drive from the far "Ulu" end of the island I'm sure. So come back to us ain't so bad, the price of petrol has come down below US$60 a barrel. We miss your 12S 6P 2000 watt, high powered vortex generating screaming planes terrorising our airspace.

                        Organising the fun fly was a last minute decision to have a gathering of the members to have some fun before the year ends. Not intended to be a big deal thing. Due to shortness to time, not able to sort out insurance issues so unfortunately, members only. However, if anyone is thinking of joining and wants to join in the fun fly, provision has been made to allow signing up on site. Usual policy otherwise is to sign up and pay at the Potong Pasir community club first (because no one at the field is now allowed to collect and issue receipts) before coming to the field to fly.
                        To must not lose.


