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Avoid OK /Vpro ARFs esp. FUN FAN


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    Avoid OK /Vpro ARFs esp. FUN FAN

    I purchased a Fun Fan 3D from the LHS( the one at the basement of FH).
    Just came around to finishing it.The covering leaves a lot to be desired.They use some lousy china made covering film that doesn't stick well and the covering can be described as amateurish, creases everywhere.
    The supplied cowl was way off what is in the instruction manual,its a cheap looking 2 piece plactic half glued together with the seam line as obvious as though its a fashion statement.Supplied wheels look awful.
    Parts claimed to be in the instruction manual were missing.
    The tailplane braces were missing including the clevis screws.
    Overall, a 2/10 rating for this heap of s**t.And to think I was recommended to buy this from the mgmt.Its definitely not worth the $190/- I paid for it.
    I will never buy another OK because they're definitely not OK!

    Oh yes, another thing, the cowl has been designed with left thrust in mind!
    I guess they reckon we'll be using engines that turn in the opposite direction.
    And tailskid is a sew on type, so you better be handy with a needle and thread.


      Originally posted by suxbux
      Oh yes, another thing, the cowl has been designed with left thrust in mind!
      I guess they reckon we'll be using engines that turn in the opposite direction.
      And tailskid is a sew on type, so you better be handy with a needle and thread.


        tailskid sew on type?? Oh no my sewing skillz suck.
        TX:2 Sanwa Quasars , Futaba 9C super (heli)
        Gliders :JW 54 , Sprinter , Flip400 (unbuilt)
        Planes: Jumping Jack,,Zoom 4D,IFO, magic 3d,
        Helis:Feda,Zap 400


          Actually they are wire thread used by incredible Hulk himself.

          Thats the only beefy thing about the damn plane. Also all the wire pushrods were of the wrong length.

          The flying better be a KO (knockOut) otherwise Ill Step on it!!

