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Mountin Outrunner..


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    Mountin Outrunner..

    Hi, i gt a outrunner motor to mount on a 3D trainer but its my 1st time mountin it..hav nv seen how a outrunner is mounted..Can explain in steps here?..Sry to inconvenient..Thanks.. All t little parts i hav r in t pic..u can see tt t balsa stick is nt aligned wit t motor..t stick is mount in such a way tt its for a IPS motor..might need to shorten t stick..but i dun wanna error on tis project..Thnks & Hopfully tis would help others in t future..Cheers..

    Optics6 Tx 72Mhz
    Electron 6 FM Rx

    Multiplex EasyGlider V1
    AXN Floater Jet
    Blade mQX

    Tahmazo TL4 Lipo Charger

    Small budget. Great aspirations.

    Dude... you already have a stick mount on your BM... why do you want to use the balsa mount anyway? just screw the motor onto the stick ... btw... are you using depron or normal styrofoam ... looks pretty losely packed form the pic...

    And this is your final year project? woh... poly projects are kinda fun nowadays... compared to older days...


      Finally mounted t motor..Cheers

      Hi..Thanks xwing & collectivepitch fr another thread on tis topic..I hav finally taken t courage to cut off alittle piece of foam fr front of t fuselage to fit in t motor onto t balsa mount..& i hav fitted in t prop adaptor & saver aft afew trials & error..Nx step im plannin to do is to solder t connectors to t ESC..Hav 2 types of connectors to look aft..One is t golden motor connectors & t battery connectors.. Hmm..tis gonna take mi 2-3 more days to complete(coz hav other errands to do too)..Thanks xwing & collectivepitch..Pic shown below is wat i hav accomplished..Shall post again aft t connectors r up.. Pls continue to advice on t little things on buildin up a plane..Thanks..Cheers!..
      Optics6 Tx 72Mhz
      Electron 6 FM Rx

      Multiplex EasyGlider V1
      AXN Floater Jet
      Blade mQX

      Tahmazo TL4 Lipo Charger

      Small budget. Great aspirations.


        Wat i hav accomplished :

        Optics6 Tx 72Mhz
        Electron 6 FM Rx

        Multiplex EasyGlider V1
        AXN Floater Jet
        Blade mQX

        Tahmazo TL4 Lipo Charger

        Small budget. Great aspirations.


          Oh yes..abt my poly project..There's an even more interestin project in my sch..One of t projects involve a team of students to build up their own TX & RX to fly an aircraft wit 4props, each prop is controlled similar to a heli head..imagine 4 helis joined together..ya..Im nt sure abt past projects..but i was stunned to hear t existence of such project..Haha..Kudos to those students for their courage to take on tis project.. Abt my project, its simpler..My team hav to build an electric plane wit flight computer tt would restrict t pilot(flyer) fr over-rollin, over-pitchin sort of thing..Kinda lik fly-by-wire as all t instructions fr t TX is sent to t flight computer 1st before goin to t servos..ya..& tis 3Dplane im buildin is t spare plane in case t project plane is down..Though quite odd to hav a 3D plane to demo t project..Haha..K..
          Optics6 Tx 72Mhz
          Electron 6 FM Rx

          Multiplex EasyGlider V1
          AXN Floater Jet
          Blade mQX

          Tahmazo TL4 Lipo Charger

          Small budget. Great aspirations.


            Finished & Crashed!..Haha..

            Yeah..Finally finished buildin t 3D Cap..Solderin hav to be done on t ESC..Both on t motor side & t battery side..

            I've used a process called, "Reflow Process" to solder both t connectors & wires together..Instead puttin together two ends to be soldered & solder them at once which may result in bad finish & imperfect connection..I pre-solder(or pre-tint) both ends & then put them together & heat up t solder ttz aldy on them..Found tis method v useful..Think i learnt it fr a video fr another forum..Couldnt rmb which..Then dun forget to heat insulate t connections wit heat-shrinks..

            I Maiden it, 28/03 mornin..& crashed it in 5 secs!..Haha..Best joke ever..Tail was heavy..& t plane wasnt laterally-balanced(left-right)..Broke off t tail & t prop..Didnt use prop saver coz there was too much vibrations generated fr t rubber bands thus both t prop & t balsa stick broke out of t foam fuselage..Heehee..

            Now i got for myself another 3D plane..but tis time its EPP foam!..Its t Hacker models' Zoom Zoom 4D..Almost unbreakable foam..Or for at least wont break if i crashed it in t same as t 3D Cap did..Hee..Shall use t same motor & Esc again..Hmm..T plane is definately much better than t 3D Cap..Shall apply t lessons learnt fr t 3D Cap onto tis Zoom 4D.. ..Cheers!..
            Optics6 Tx 72Mhz
            Electron 6 FM Rx

            Multiplex EasyGlider V1
            AXN Floater Jet
            Blade mQX

            Tahmazo TL4 Lipo Charger

            Small budget. Great aspirations.


              1st pic: My Broken Prop
              2nd pic: My tail rubber bented bcoz of t broke-off tail
              3rd pic: T Solderin done on t ESC..Completed wit heat-shrink..
              4th pic: Zoom Zoom 4D!..

              Optics6 Tx 72Mhz
              Electron 6 FM Rx

              Multiplex EasyGlider V1
              AXN Floater Jet
              Blade mQX

              Tahmazo TL4 Lipo Charger

              Small budget. Great aspirations.



                Any updates on your Zoom3d? How much you bought the kokam cells from SHS?


                  Hi! Time really flies by really FAST! I have leave this thread for almost two months. Hahaha. Anyway, the whole building of ZoomZoom was completed probably in mid-April. I didnt have a motor setup powerful enough to fly this beauty. So its now sadly idling on my wall.

                  Thanks for bringing this up.

                  Optics6 Tx 72Mhz
                  Electron 6 FM Rx

                  Multiplex EasyGlider V1
                  AXN Floater Jet
                  Blade mQX

                  Tahmazo TL4 Lipo Charger

                  Small budget. Great aspirations.


                    since we're on the zz... was there any thread with tips on building the zoom zoom? i thinking of making mine soon...


                      Check it out here

                      Just did mine, before i came across the thread, the battery position based on the manual isnt good. Look at the link to see where the experts put it.

