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need help for akysurfer search


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    need help for akysurfer search

    Dear all,
    I'm appealing to anyone with a quadcopter and a camera whom can assist in the search, at least from the last visual point before the aircraft flew behind some trees. It has been impossible to find it at ground level. I also do not rule out that someone took it but that person was damn quick to do it because ir an to the last seen sight within 1 min and it was in my sight at all times and no one walked out.
    Please do help me with this. My initial post is attached below.

    I flew my surfer on 2 June 1200hrs at the field formerly occupied by Townsville School, just beside SkyTerrace@dawson. At about a height of 150ft, the battery cut off, possibly due to a poor contact. there was no response to my controls. Usually when the battery is still connected but the signal is lost, the ESC is programmed for a steep spiral to limit the crash footprint. In this case the aircraft continued it's level attitude and coasted around. At one point it was blown on a left roll by the wind but it corrected itself and after that it continued S/L. It went into the trees of Kay Siang estate and disappeared behind the tress surrounding 11 Kay Siang Road, an abandoned black and white pre-war bungalow. I spent 5 hours walking the entire estate but am unable to find the aircraft both on the ground and on the trees. I've looked from up high at SkyTerrace but could not spot the white of the surfer against the green backdrop of the trees. I would like to appeal to all for help and to please contact me upon finding it or sighting the aircraft, and I would take steps to retrieve it. The aircraft is very dear to me, though it may seem too low in price to make the effort to retrieve. Please message me here on any trace at all. I welcome any help I can get. Many thanks!
