Please look at the following simple circuit,it can be used to monitor whether a battery is charging or not.The voltage comparator IC LM393 is the heart of this circuit. The LED D1 will remain ON whenever there is at least 25 milli ampere current flowing to the battery. This particular circuit is designed for a 12V battery with charging current less than 1A.By slightly modifying the component values, the charging current and voltage can be modified.

Well,I have build it but the only difference is the here I use the diode--1N5822(1N5822's PDF ) instead of the one mentioned in this circuit such as 1N5819. I am using 6v 4.5ah SLA battery, will this circuit stop charging at 6.9v or 7.00v.? I have used 220k for R1 and when the LED will go off, in this case it should go off at voltage level of 6.9v or 7v. But I am doubtful that it will not go off. please explain …..
I will appreciate it if you could help me.

Please look at the following simple circuit,it can be used to monitor whether a battery is charging or not.The voltage comparator IC LM393 is the heart of this circuit. The LED D1 will remain ON whenever there is at least 25 milli ampere current flowing to the battery. This particular circuit is designed for a 12V battery with charging current less than 1A.By slightly modifying the component values, the charging current and voltage can be modified.
Well,I have build it but the only difference is the here I use the diode--1N5822(1N5822's PDF ) instead of the one mentioned in this circuit such as 1N5819. I am using 6v 4.5ah SLA battery, will this circuit stop charging at 6.9v or 7.00v.? I have used 220k for R1 and when the LED will go off, in this case it should go off at voltage level of 6.9v or 7v. But I am doubtful that it will not go off. please explain …..
I will appreciate it if you could help me.